Actively and steadily promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality

Strive to achieve carbon peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060

The major strategic decision made after careful consideration by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core is our solemn commitment to the international community. What you say must be done, and what you do must bear fruit. Not long ago, at a special press conference held by the National Development and Reform Commission, a set of data was eye-catching: my country's installed renewable energy capacity has exceeded 1.1 billion kilowatts, ranking first in the world; the production and sales of new energy vehicles have increased for 7 consecutive years. Ranked first in the world in 2012, accounting for half of the world's inventory; compared with 2012, my country's energy consumption intensity dropped by 26.4% in 2021, and its carbon emission intensity dropped by 34.4%... Each number highlights the achievements of the "double carbon" work The positive results reflect the solid steps we have taken to promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement to promote high-quality development

This is not something others ask us to do, but something we have to do ourselves. From establishing an overall coordination mechanism to building a "1+N" policy system; from steadily and orderly promoting green and low-carbon energy transformation to vigorously promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure; from optimizing and improving dual energy consumption control systems to actively participating in global climate governance … Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, all regions and departments conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, constantly improve various policies and measures, and solidly promote the implementation of key tasks. my country’s energy and industry are green and low-carbon. Important progress has been made in transformation, and "dual carbon" work has made a good start. At the same time, we also need to realize that the task of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is quite arduous. We must use the energy to grasp the iron to leave a mark and step on the stone to leave a mark, and fully promote the work of reaching the peak of carbon neutrality.

Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a complex systematic project involving values, industrial structure, energy system, consumption patterns and many other levels. Forward-looking thinking, overall planning, strategic layout and overall advancement must be further strengthened. Baoshan District, Shanghai takes advantage of science and technology innovation to empower traditional industries with intelligence, and comprehensively builds a green and low-carbon transformation model area, turning the former "industrial rust belt" into a "science and technology innovation show belt" and "life show belt" that highlight the quality of the city. "; Fujian Province has solidly promoted agricultural and rural emission reduction and carbon sequestration, and promoted the implementation of the country's first farmland carbon sink trading pilot project. It is estimated that the project can sequester 2,300 tons of carbon per year. Practice has proven that only through comprehensive planning based on local realities can we actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" is a critical period and window period for carbon emissions to peak.

At present, my country's ecological civilization construction has entered a critical period in which carbon reduction is the key strategic direction, promoting the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and realizing the improvement of ecological environment quality from quantitative to qualitative changes. We must deeply realize that green and low-carbon development is a complex project and long-term task for the comprehensive transformation of economic and social development, and the adjustment of energy structure and industrial structure cannot be achieved overnight. To actively and steadily advance the "dual carbon" work, we must follow the national "double carbon" work plan and deployment, insist on establishing first and then breaking, implement carbon peaking actions in a planned and step-by-step manner, and ensure energy security and industrial chain supply chain security while reducing carbon emissions. , food security, and ensuring the normal life of the people.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" is a critical period and window period for carbon emissions to peak. Guided by the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, with green and low-carbon development of energy as the key, we must adhere to the principles of national coordination, conservation priority, two-wheel drive, smooth internal and external circulation, and risk prevention, and accelerate the formation of an industrial structure and production that conserves resources and protects the environment. mode, lifestyle, spatial pattern, and unswervingly follow the high-quality development path of ecological priority, green and low carbon, based on reality and long-term efforts, we will surely be able to better achieve the "double carbon" goal and let the people live in green water. The beauty of nature, life and life are shared in the green mountains.

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